A stone with a story.
So, he proposed. Threw me for a loop, and I accepted wholeheartedly. How could I not. I had waited for this man to come into my life, and I had almost lost him. To know that he wanted our hearts to join in this way, filled me with joy that I cannot describe.(I considered whether this post was appropriate for this blog, and decided that it was. Keith's story includes me (Sarah) and I shared the story of his proposal here, so will continue on)
A proposal typically includes a ring. In Keith's words "the transplant department had a very poor selection, so I didn't get you one yet". I forgave him. I will say that I am the type of girl that would want to choose my own jewellery anyway, and have Keith be part of the process.
Green has been the colour of Organ Donation for years. It represents new life, and hope, and just happens to look fabulous on redheads (!) I was set on getting an emerald as a centre stone and began looking. The more I researched, the more I realized that an emerald was not the right stone for an engagement ring. It is a softer stone, it scratches and is prone to chipping on an everyday ring. Clearly, I needed to find another stone.
One of my searches led me to discover the Tsavorite. This stone, is a semi-precious deep green garnet, discovered and mined in Kenya and with an incredible story behind it. A sad story but one that speaks of perseverance, history, family and the desire to better the world that we live in. Harder than emerald, and a shade of green that speaks to me. It is clear, deep forest green with a clarity that causes it to sparkle in the sun.
An email to the company connected me with Bruce Bridges, the son of Campbell Bridges who discovered the stone in the early 60's. An email correspondence ensued, where I told him the story about Keith and pointed him to this blog. He was instantly interested in helping, understood my desire for a green stone, and we began the process purchasing the centre stone for my ring.

There is a little jewelry store in the Bronte Harbour area that has long been a favourite of my mothers. She suggested I go there to have my ring made. With my lovely new tsavorite in tow, and some pictures of what I wanted, I met with the jeweler a few times, and the ring was ordered.
White gold, centre tsavorite with two baguettes on either side. Simple, timeless and clean. The tragic story of Campbell Bridges, the brilliant strong green of Organ Donation, and the clear and pure love that Keith and I share is what makes this ring so special to me, and to us.
As promised, here it is. I love him, I thank his donor, and will wear this symbol of this love and gratitude with pride.
Yes, by the way, I said yes.