Toronto has a HUGE medical secret - And Kenny works there.
This is not a word of a lie. When Keith's respirologist told us about a facility in the west end of Toronto called West Park Healthcare Centre, we immediately both said the words "South Park" in our minds, and, with all due respect to this tremendous facility, that is how we will always think of it.
When Keith was referred to this hospital back in May, it sounded too good to be true. I'm not sure how I lived in Toronto most of my adult life, and never heard of this place - although now that I know what its all about, I do know. I have been lucky, and healthy and had no need!
West Park is a facility that "helps individuals manage difficult health challenges like lung disease, diabetes, stroke, amputation and musculoskeletal issues" through a combination of physiotherapy, nutritional counselling, education and a variety of specialty disciplines. What they really are, is an amazing opportunity for Keith to improve his level of health before transplant, in an inpatient environment that will teach him methods to continue what he learns at home.
And there's a guy named Kenny that works in the clinic. We laughed. Oh, and this picture on the bathroom door of the clinic. I knew I liked the place when I saw this. Humour works for us.
Universal "I have to pee" symbol |
Not only was Keith accepted to the program, he was invited to start next week as an inpatient for 6 weeks to get him into better shape for transplant. He will come home on the weekends, and I will still see him when we go into doctor appointments at TGH, and rehab at TGH once a week - cause Denise and the gang still want to watch over him closely.
This program works in cooperation with the transplant program, monitoring all of Keith's vitals, stats, levels and numbers. (it's all mumbo jumbo to me, I'm probably supposed to understand the FEV1 and O2 sat levels - but truth be told, I don't. I probably will soon, and should but until then, we trust the docs and physio room workers to know) They have access to all of Keith's records and paperwork through the network, and Keith will continue to come to all doctor appointments with the rest of the transplant team. And of course, when the call, THE CALL, comes - we will be on to that next chapter and not really sure how this facility can or will fit into the picture. It might come the first day he is there...maybe not for 3 months.
So, thats our big news for the day.
In other news, many people are asking how Keith is doing. It's never a simple question to answer, but truthfully, he is hanging in quite well. It's hard to describe what life is like on a daily basis living while waiting for new lungs.
When we are not in the car travelling to Toronto, or working out in the treadmill room on the 12th Floor of TGH with all of the awesome team, and so many of our new friends that we have met there, Keith is usually resting, trying to get comfortable either on the couch, or crouched up in bed. His spirits are actually pretty decent and he is so appreciative of all the help, encouragement, and kind words that everyone has sent through this blog, Facebook and letters. Thank you all so much, please continue to keep him in your prayers.